
3 Yoga tricks to fall asleep

By Tasso Konia
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Regular Yoga practice not only strengthens immunity and keeps illnesses at bay, but it is also an excellent way to relieve stress, anxiety, or tension in the mind or body and helps restore balance in order to prepare you for a good night's sleep. Yoga is filled with health advantages, from reducing chronic stress patterns to boosting body awareness and developing mental clarity and peace, thanks to its meditation and breathing positions that sharpen attention, brighten one's mood and relax the body to help you sleep better.

"Yoga covers yogic practises such as asanas or physical postures, breathing techniques are known as pranayama, meditation, mudra, chanting, and more," said Yoga Master and Spiritual Guru - Grand Master Akshar in an interview with HT Lifestyle. Every night, set aside 5, 10, or 15 minutes to practise the following programme. Meditation and pranayama methods may be done for around 2 - 3 minutes before going to bed and gradually increased with practice. Here are three methods to help you sleep quicker."

Each yoga stance may be held for around 30 seconds and repeated three times. Grand Master Akshar recommended three Yoga positions that are easy to learn and suitable for beginners. They may be done by anybody and are best done before going to bed.

1. Balasana or Child’s Pose

Method: Sit on your heels on the floor or a yoga mat and keep your knees either together or wide apart. Slowly, exhale and bend forward to touch the floor with your forehead or rest it on a block or two stacked fists while keeping your arms alongside your body and palms facing up.

Alternatively, you can keep your palms facing down on the mat by reaching out your arms towards the front of the yoga mat. Now, if your knees are together, gently press your chest on the thighs or press your chest between the thighs if the knees are apart.

Relax the shoulders, jaw and eyes and find a comfortable place for the forehead as there is an energy point at its centre, in between the eyebrows, that supports a "rest and digest" response by stimulating the vagus nerve. Hold onto the pose for as long as you like and pull your navel towards your spine while inhaling and softening your body and the arms while exhaling. Return to the sitting position on the heels slowly while inhaling and as if uncurling the spine.

Benefits: This beginner’s yoga poses not only help to reduce stress and anxiety by helping release the tension in the chest, back and shoulders but also help if you have a bout of dizziness or fatigue during the day or during your workout. It can help relieve back pain as it is a gentle stretch for the back, hips, thighs and ankles.

Precautions: This exercise is not recommended for pregnant women or those suffering from diarrhoea or knee injury.

2. Sukhasana or easy pose?

Method: Sit on a Yoga mat or on the floor with your legs stretched out. Bend one of your legs and place it under the opposite thigh and repeat the same with the other leg.

Sit erect, keep your head, neck and trunk aligned in a straight line, and put your hands on your knees or thighs in Chin Mudra or Jnana Mudra. Turn your palms up to be receptive or down to feel grounded and inhale slowly, feel your spine grow long while exhaling, root down through your seat.

Benefits: Apart from finding stillness and tranquillity, this asana relieves muscle and joint pains as it helps the practitioner in maintaining a good posture, gives flexibility, keeps the back straight and provides strength to the legs. This in turn lengthens the back muscles and spine, broadens the collarbones and chest, stretches the external aspect of the knees and unlocks the hips.

3. Vajrasana or Thunderbolt Pose/Diamond Pose

Method: Start by kneeling on the floor and rest your pelvis on your heels. Keep your heels close to each other by pulling your knees and ankles together and pointing your feet in line with your legs.

Place your palms on your knees or on your thighs and adjust your pelvis slightly backwards and forward until you're comfortable. Exhale as you sit back on your legs.

Benefits: Vajrasana not only helps in keeping the mind calm and stable but also cures digestive acidity and gas formation, helps relieve knee pain, strengthens thigh muscles and helps to relieve back pain. The exercise aids in strengthening sexual organs and helping in the treatment of urinary problems.

Grand Master Akshar also suggested some meditation techniques that include:

1. Prarthana Dhyan (Prayerful Meditation)

Method: Sit down in any comfortable posture. Join your palms in front of your chest to form Pranam Mudra. Straighten your back and close your eyes. Frame and repeat positive affirmations aloud or silently.

Benefits: Instils a sense of calmness, builds within the practitioner a greater sense of gratitude, builds your confidence, makes you more positive and optimistic and encourages a sense of serenity.

2. Pranayama Technique (Udgeeth Pranayama)

Method: Sit in any comfortable pose. Straighten your back and close your eyes. Place your palms on your knees. Inhale deeply and fill your lungs with air. While exhaling, form a circle with your lips and say "Oooooooommm" for as long as you can. Feel the vibration of the sound disseminate throughout your body.

The practice of yoga can be a key influence on your lifestyle. Yoga adds positive habits to help you improve your overall health and well-being. Yoga as a holistic science focuses on building the mind-body connection. This makes yoga tremendously therapeutic for those suffering from sleep disorders like insomnia, disturbed sleep, sleep apnea, and many other issues.


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